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  • RowenaBlax


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  • Our due to Pure Well being Replace e-newsletter for permission to reprint this text
    from their October 2007 challenge. Completely no reproduction of any a part of
    this text is allowed with out the expressed written permission of

    Colloidal silver has turn out to be one in every of the most well-liked nutritional supplements
    in America during the last two many years. By some estimates it's now used
    frequently by roughly 10 million People to assist cure infections,
    struggle illness and restore well being.

    However there was a soiled little secret lurking within the background, and the large colloidal silver manufacturers hope you may by no means discover out about

    What's that soiled little secret? It is fairly easy. Manufacturers of this highly effective
    pure infection-preventing agent have been grossly overcharging you for many
    years. In actual fact, a tiny four-ounce bottle of retailer-purchased colloidal silver accommodates solely about
    5 cents price of colloidal silver.

    5 Cents Price of Colloidal Silver for $29?

    Sure, that is proper. It prices them about 5 cents to make 4
    ounces price of colloidal silver, but greedy colloidal silver distributors cost you wherever
    from $29 to $fifty nine for that very same tiny quantity!

    That is a whopping 60,000% mark-up on each bottle offered.
    No different nutritional complement on earth is so low-cost to make, but so costly to purchase.

    Outraged? You must be. However it will get even worse. In accordance to 1
    latest examine, solely about forty three% of the industrial colloidal silver merchandise examined contained the precise focus of
    silver listed on the bottle. Some contained no silver particles in any respect!

    In different phrases, not solely have colloidal silver manufacturers been grossly overcharging you for this highly effective pure infection-combating agent, however a lot of them have apparently been brief-altering you
    even additional by promoting you severely diluted

    [img][/img]The excellent news!

    This is the excellent news: Because of a current breakthrough in colloidal silver-making know-how, now you can fully bypass the unfair worth monopoly held by colloidal silver manufacturers.

    In truth, you make your individual contemporary, pure, unadulterated, therapeutic-high quality colloidal
    silver - within the consolation and privateness of
    your individual dwelling - for about 36 cents a quart!

    Sure, that is underneath $1.50 a gallon for a product many well being
    meals shops and web distributors are charging a whopping $10 an ounce for!

    And imagine it or not, due to the model new innovation in colloidal silver-making know-how we will inform
    you about in this text, the homemade stuff is now pretty much as good as any
    colloidal silver you should purchase commercially - even higher!

    How can this be potential? First, a bit background:

    How Business Colloidal Silver Manufacturers
    Tried to Sabotage the usage of Dwelling Colloidal Silver Generators!

    All of it began about 15 years in the past when a superb physicist named Dr.
    Robert Beck found out how to provide a miniature model of the bigger machines utilized by colloidal silver manufacturers to make colloidal silver.
    Dr. Beck's little gadget, whereas admittedly crude, was very
    efficient. In dimension, it was solely barely bigger than a
    deck of playing cards. And it was powered by three 9-volt batteries.
    Better of all, this nifty little machine allowed customers to
    make sixteen ounce batches of colloidal silver at a time, for simply pennies!

    Quickly, tens of hundreds of colloidal silver customers had bought these little
    generators and started making and utilizing their very
    own colloidal silver. This threw the massive business manufacturers right into a royal tizzy.
    The noticed their profitable monopoly on colloidal silver gross sales falling apart proper
    in entrance of their eyes, and the entire exorbitant income they'd been making going proper down the drain. In any case,
    if even a fraction of the roughly ten million colloidal silver customers throughout North America started making
    their very own colloidal silver, the massive industrial manufacturers would face thousands and thousands of dollars in gross sales losses yearly.

    So, so as to guard their earnings and assist cripple the gross sales of the little
    house colloidal silver generators, a few of the large industrial colloidal silver manufacturers did one thing fairly underhanded.
    So underhanded, actually, it might have made any crooked politician proud.
    They started floating nasty rumors all through the pure well being neighborhood,
    stating that the colloidal silver options made with the tiny, battery-operated colloidal silver generators had
    been one way or the other "toxic" and even "poisonous" as a result
    of a compound known as silver chloride was formed in the method.

    The massive Lie...

    After all, the truth that silver chloride
    has by no means been demonstrated to be "toxic" or "poisonous"
    was utterly irrelevant to them. And the truth that silver
    chloride was first produced commercially by Dr.

    Leonard Herschberg of Johns-Hopkins College in 1923, and was used for many years in hospital settings with no in poor
    health results, was fully ignored.

    Additionally ignored was the truth that silver
    chloride is so harmless it has no toxicology rankings listed in the varied authorities
    toxicology registries such because the ATSDR, NIOSH-RTECS, the HSDB, or the EPA.

    None of this deterred the massive colloidal silver manufacturers from making
    such a bogus declare. The one factor that mattered to them
    was bringing the gross sales of the favored little
    house colloidal silver generators to a screeching halt.

    After all, the tens of 1000's of customers of those little
    gadgets knew higher. They continued making and utilizing their very own colloidal
    silver for less than pennies per batch, curing their very own infections and
    considerably boosting their well being in the method.

    However sadly, many individuals who weren't as conversant in colloidal silver really believed the rigorously orchestrated marketing campaign of rumors and lies being promulgated
    by a few of the massive colloidal silver manufacturers.
    Out of worry of ingesting harmless "silver chloride," they
    refrained from buying the little generators. And in consequence, they continued to pay by way
    of the nostril for these tiny 4-ounce bottles of colloidal silver offered by the massive business manufacturers.

    The Battle Continues

    Since that point, the battle between industrial manufacturers of colloidal silver, and manufacturers of the little residence
    colloidal silver generators, has continued unabated.
    However now, because of a model new innovation in colloidal silver-making know-how, that battle is
    lastly about to finish for good. And the large colloidal
    silver manufacturers do not prefer it one bit.

    Why? As a result of we have found a model new form of colloidal silver generator that not solely makes
    recent, pure, unadulterated colloidal silver with out producing silver chloride, it additionally makes extremely electrically charged silver particles which are smaller in measurement than something the massive colloidal silver manufacturers have
    ever been in a position to supply.

    Extra on that in only a second. However first...

    What's Actually Incorrect With Typical Colloidal Silver Generators?

    Because the time Dr. Beck invented that first, comparatively crude little battery-operated house colloidal
    silver generator some 15 years in the past, issues have modified.
    Many new sorts of dwelling colloidal silver generator have been developed.
    The market is virtually flooded with them. Some run on batteries.
    Some run on family AC energy. Some use complicated laptop know-how.
    One mannequin even plugs into an ordinary family telephone jack,
    and runs on cellphone energy! And whereas these
    new items have introduced house colloidal silver-making know-how out of the darkish ages and into the realm of comparatively
    fashionable technological sophistication, there remains to
    be one downside that has not (till now) efficiently been resolved: all too usually
    these nifty little dwelling models produce overly-massive silver
    particles which are tough for the human physique to
    absorb, make the most of and afterwards, excrete.

    Steadily, the particles are so massive they don't keep correctly suspended within the distilled water
    they're made in for prolonged durations of time. As an alternative, in a
    really quick time frame the overly-giant silver particles start to lose their electrical cost, fall out of
    suspension in the answer and slowly drop to
    the underside of the storage bottle (it is referred to as "precipitation" of the silver particles), leaving
    a skinny silvery-gray coating on the underside.
    This after all vastly decreases the potency and effectiveness of the colloidal silver resolution.

    Curiously sufficient, the massive industrial colloidal silver manufacturers have recognized about
    this little drawback all alongside, and have by no means talked about it regardless of their utter
    animosity towards colloidal silver generators.
    Why have they not capitalized on this flaw and spilled the beans?

    The reply is easy: It's as a result of all too regularly
    their costly bottled manufacturers of colloidal silver - bought
    in well being meals shops all through the nation - have the exact same downside.

    They're full of overly-massive silver particles!

    Why Is Particle Measurement So Necessary?

    So why is particle dimension so vital in colloidal
    silver utilization? To ensure that colloidal silver to do
    its job - which is to assist wipe out infections and restore a state of well
    being and sustained immunity within the human physique - the silver particles in a colloidal silver resolution must
    be small sufficient for the physique to correctly absorb,
    transport, make the most of and excrete. Thus, the smaller they're,
    the simpler the colloidal silver resolution will likely be.

    In different phrases, smaller silver particles are absorbed higher.
    They're rather more simply transported deep into the cells and tissues, identical to minerals from the foods you eat.
    They're utilized by the physique with far better effectivity.
    And they're much simpler for the physique to excrete afterwards, which suggests your threat of extreme silver buildup within the tissues
    and organs is just about nil.

    Conversely, the bigger the silver particles are, the much
    less efficient the colloidal silver resolution might be!
    Bigger particles are more durable for the physique to absorb…harder for the physique to transport into the cells and tissues…harder for the physique to utilize…and tougher for the physique
    to excrete afterwards.

    So it stands to motive that a colloidal silver answer consisting mainly of tiny sub-microscopic silver
    particles is much simpler than one consisting mainly of overly-giant silver particles.

    In actual fact, the one method to get at really deep-seated infections - akin to these brought on by "stealth pathogens" that have a tendency to cover deep inside the cells and
    tissues of the human physique - is that if the silver particles are
    small sufficient for the physique to absorb deep into the cells and tissues in the identical method
    it absorbs different wanted mineral nutrients comparable to iron,
    copper, chromium, zinc, and so forth. And the silver particles must be small
    sufficient for the physique to excrete after they've finished their work,
    so you do not get an extreme buildup of silver within the physique over time.

    Sadly, most colloidal silver - whether or not produced by a traditional house colloidal
    silver generator, or offered in well being meals shops by the large business
    manufacturers - merely doesn't include small sufficient silver particles
    to handle the powerful infections. The overwhelming majority of the particles are too giant to do the physique any good in any respect in terms of preventing the
    more durable, deep-seated infections.

    Introducing: The Model New Micro-Particle
    Dwelling Colloidal Silver Generator!

    That is why we're so excited concerning the model new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from our good associates at It is a singular new form
    of colloidal silver generator that is actually in contrast to something that is ever
    been produced.

    Actually, this new generator can solely be described as a bona-fide breakthrough in colloidal
    silver-making expertise. In our opinion, it's actually destined to assist put greedy business colloidal silver manufacturers utterly
    out of enterprise.

    Why? As a result of not like most different colloidal silver generators that produce
    silver particles within the vary of 20 to 200
    microns or bigger (by comparability, a standard
    pink blood cell is about 7 microns) the brand new Micro-Particle unit has been specifically designed to supply
    tiny, extremely absorbable sub-microscopic silver particles, a lot
    of that are solely a fraction of a single micron in measurement!

    Certainly, the model new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator produces silver particlesas
    small as .0008 microns in measurement. That is solely eight
    ten-hundreds of a single micron!

    Typically talking, even bottled colloidal silver merchandise produced by the foremost industrial colloidal
    silver manufacturers don't include silver particles which might be anyplace close to this
    small, although they could declare to. Not like bottled colloidal silver wherein the suspended particles can clearly be seen by
    shining a tiny laser pointer mild by the answer, micro-particle silver is so small
    it's barely seen even beneath laser gentle.

    About As Near Being "Dissolved" As You may get!

    That is as a result of it's so small, it has nearly no reflective floor.
    That is nearly as near "dissolved" silver particles as
    you will get. And since the silver particles are so
    small, the answer is crystal clear, despite the fact that each
    batch you make is actually teaming with billions of microscopic silver particles.

    In actual fact, these silver particles are so small, to measure them requires the usage of
    a strong multi-million dollar piece of laboratory tools referred to as a Transmission Electron Microscope, working at a whopping 175,
    000x magnification!

    Examine that to commercially manufactured colloidal silver, the particles of which might usually be seen at a mere 20,000x
    or 30,000x magnification, and you will notice that we're speaking a few breakthrough in house
    colloidal silver-making know-how that's so phenomenal, nothing else prefer it has ever been produced!

    Vastly More practical Than Standard Colloidal Silver!

    Certainly, micro-particle silver is thought to be vastly more
    practical than standard business colloidal silver in opposition to
    arduous-to-kill viruses and different deep-seated microorganisms similar to these within the insidious mycloplasmas household of pathogens which at the moment are implicated within the onset of quite a few types of chronic degenerative
    illness together with most cancers, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohn's
    colitis, Kind II diabetes, a number of sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's
    illness, Wegener's illness, and collagen-vascular diseases corresponding to rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's.

    Actually, consultants say the micro-particle silver produces actually phenomenal healing outcomes, notably in "acute care" conditions involving severe deep-seated infections
    the place prescription antibiotics and even customary
    colloidal silver has didn't work, or in conditions the place some type of chronic degenerative illness related to
    mycoplasmas infection has set in.

    For instance, it has been broadly reported that Dr.
    Darryl See, M.D., former co-director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Clinic on the College of
    California at Irvine has been having unimaginable success treating
    patients with micro-particle colloidal silver. In response to Well being Sciences Institute, Dr.

    See says he has witnessed the DNA-PCR exams of lots
    of his patients with identified mycoplasmas infections
    flip from optimistic to damaging with the use of those tiny silver particles (see
    Mycoplasmas as brokers of human illness, Well being Sciences Institute, Vol.
    2, #10, April 1998.)

    This provides profound hope to tens of millions who endure from such debilitating hidden infections and the following chronic degenerative diseases these insidious microorganisms could

    In Abstract

    In abstract, the brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal
    Silver Generator has been particularly designed to provide a dramatically smaller vary of silver particles
    than something that is ever been accessible. This implies it
    could do all the pieces normal colloidal silver has grow
    to be well-known for when it comes to killing infection and restoring well being
    and immunity. However as a result of the particles are so small,
    they're much more simply utilized by the human physique, and much more simply excreted.
    Subsequently, it can be utilized with phenomenal success in circumstances of acute, lengthy-time period chronic degenerative diseases the place
    deep-seated infections brought on by "stealth pathogens" resembling these from the mycoplasmas household are suspected.

    You possibly can learn extra concerning the model new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator by going to the
    next hyperlink:

    Say 'Goodbye!' to Over-Priced Business Colloidal Silver Endlessly!

    Lastly, the massive industrial manufacturers of colloidal silver have met their match.
    Now there may be now not any cause to permit them to
    proceed gouging you with exorbitant costs.

    With the model new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator,
    you can also make the entire excessive-high quality colloidal
    silver you need, shortly and simply, within the consolation and privateness of your personal residence,
    for under about 36 cents a quart. And you may accomplish that for the remainder of your life!

    When you think about the truth that many industrial manufacturers
    of colloidal silver price as a lot as $29 or extra for a tiny 4-ounce bottle, you may see that your very first one-quart batch of micro-particle colloidal silver actually pays for the whole value of the unit!

    After that, your solely actual prices are the distilled water (a couple
    of buck a gallon at Wal-Mart). And as soon as every year
    or so you will must spend $35 to substitute the set of pure, .999 superb silver
    wire (12 gauge) that comes along with your generator.
    Extra units of the pure .999 advantageous silver wire
    might be bought at any time straight from The Silver Edge both
    by cellphone at 1-888-528-0559, or on-line at

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