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Samstag, 30. September 2017, 08:59

Experts work alone or either in partnership with larger

At ITAMG we have been advising our clients on the big picture
best practices for IT asset
management Cheap Jerseys
, computer recycling, and secure data erasure. The following are
five specific tips to help you make the most of your IT asset disposal


1) Communicate your needs. We can
help with refresh strategy, relocations, and more. As an IT asset management and
disposal vendor we bring a unique perspective and skill set to advising on
refresh projects, office and data center moves, and general procurement


Keep your asset disposal vendor in the
loop on any major projects that effect your business operations and IT planning.
We are familiar with a wide array of challenges that large organizations face
during various projects and are happy to help your firm conquer them


Don’t wait to the final hour of a large project to
enlist the help of your disposal vendor. The more lead time given to prepare
statements of work Cheap
, an action plan, quote costs and returns, and plan logistics the
more likely a project will conclude successfully and within

2) Reset or clear any BIOS and Admin Passwords from
laptops in order to assist with data erasure and re-imaging of machines for
refurbishment and sale.


Create a depository of admin passwords
by model or other machine attributes to share with your computer recycling
vendor. At minimum keep a master list of all Admin Passwords. If your firm can’t
share Admin Passwords make sure to set to a default password before disposing of
the machine.


Do not allow IT or other employees to create
and use admin passwords that are not standardized or otherwise recorded for
future reference. Don't expect full value for Apple equipment, laptops, or
similar devices if admin passwords are not available or can not be reset prior
to disposal.

3) Instruct users to remove returned Apple devices from
their iCloud accounts. iCloud is used to track lost or stolen assets and unless
a device is removed from a registered account your company or disposal vendor
may not be able to legally reuse valuable and desirable


Notify users across your organization that are using
personal iCloud accounts on company assets to remove his or her device from the
account when turning the asset back in. Create a depository for tracking iCloud
user names and passwords for company generated iCloud accounts so devices can be
removed from users profiles and sold or otherwise


Don’t allow users to use personal iCloud accounts
on company owned assets. Put a policy and process in place for users to use
company provided iCloud profiles for company owned Apple devices. Managing the
devices this way will allow your firm to control the devices on the user’s
account and ensure the assets are reusable or eligible for liquidation returns
at retirement.

4) Manage end of life data security appropriately. Lock up
unencrypted media that are threats of exposure until data destruction is


When pulling machines out of the working
environment make sure all data containing devices or locked in rooms,
cages Cheap College Soccer
, or containers that can only be accessible by employees with
appropriate security clearance. Label and utilize locked containers to store any
loose end of life media.


Don’t store assets or media in
conference rooms, hallways, or open office spaces where the general public,
building employees, or any other employees or visitors may be able to access
them. Do not leave loose media or hard drives sitting in data centers, storage
closets Cheap College Hockey
, or any other office space.

5) Handle equipment with care
during physical consolidation and internal relocation. Liquidation returns on
equipment are contingent on the working and cosmetic conditions of surplus
computer equipment.


Ask us about the safest way to move all
different types of equipment. Moving equipment throughout a office using carts
or commercial moving bins is probably your best option. Treat the equipment with
the same level of care used during implementation when removing the equipment
from the environment. We are happy to provide tips on how to pack and move
equipment efficiently and safely.


Don’t grab or apply
pressure to LCD screens, scratch screens by letting equipment rub together,
excessively stack laptops, damage rail kits or face plates on servers, or cut
power cords from UPS,
power Cheap College Football
, or any other equipment. Avoid packaging or dismantling equipment
without clear direction from an ITAMG professional. Do not allow a commercial
moving vendor to abuse retired equipment simply because it is categorized as
excess, waste, retired, salvage or other. Why is emergency plumber Croydon
important? Beardslee Yadon
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