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Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016, 13:29

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I last used Quinine about three years ago on a trip to India, it was our honey moon destination. Such countries with tropical climate are well-known for the risk of malaria for tourists from other regions. Every person who travels there should take preventive measures to avoid the disease. I am strongly convinced that is this medication that prevented me from getting malaria. The only side effect was strange taste, or better to say lack of any taste at all during the first day after starting the treatment. But then everything got back to normal. My husband also took Quinine before the departure and he's health is absolutely ok as well. I think Quinine does its job.

Last year I was going for a month long trip to Thailand. The company I work at was opening a new development department there and I was to provide the support on site. My doctor informed me about the preventive measures I had to take before going to that region in order not to fall ill with malaria. He said Quinine was the best medication from his point of view. As I had no objections I ordered the drug and started taking it. No side effects and no obvious positive effect as well. But then I realized the importance of such medications when I saw people suffering from malaria. The disease is really horrible and I?m grateful to the producers of Quinine as the medication they created protected me from a life-threat. Would recommend it to others!

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