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Freitag, 18. Mai 2018, 04:04

Von bears123

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Environmental inspectors recently discovered hundreds of tons of dead pigs
which were buried in a remote mountain by a local disposal company in
Huzhou nike air
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, East China's Zhejiang Province in 2013, after
local residents complained that corps had severally polluted surrounding water
and air.

Over 200 tons of corps were buried in Dayin Mountain of Huzhou, Zhejiang in
2013, said the official Sina Weibo of the Information Office under Huzhou
government on Sunday.

The Huzhou government has asked a qualified firm to dispose the rotten corps
and tainted earth, 223.5 tons in total, and also launched an investigation into
the pollution and hygiene distress in the area.

Five suspects related to the case have been detained, the Weibo post said.

Rotten pig corps wrapped in black plastic bags were first unearthed by a
central environmental protection inspection team led by the Ministry of
Environmental Protection on the afternoon of August 30 nike
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, the Caijing magazine said on Sunday.

According to the Huzhou government, Huzhou Industrial and Medical Disposal
Center buried those sick pigs in 2013 on direction of the then manager, Shi
Zheng, who is in prison for another crime.

The Huzhou Industrial and Medical Disposal Center was also found to have
violated rules and was fined 400,000 yuan ($61,750) for pollution in 2014,
Caijing reported.

Meng Xuecan nike
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, the legal representative of the company, is
also the head of Huzhou dead and sick animal disposal center, a company that had
purchased about 470,000 dead pigs since 2013, said Caijing.

Local villagers have said they couldn't tolerate the deteriorating water and
air quality caused by the buried pigs. Some dead pigs and other animals were
found buried randomly and some were even thrown in the open space, Caijing said.

"If the pigs died of certain diseases or carried pathogens, these would
permeate and poison the surrounding soil and water nike air max 2018
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," Wang Shuyi, director of the Environment Law
Research Institute at Wuhan University, told the Global Times.

Many similar cases have happened in China over the years, which is mainly due
to the lack of government supervision, Wang said.

Nearly 6,000 dead pigs, drifted from Jiaxing ,
Zhejiang, were retrieved from Shanghai's Huangpu River in 2013, the Xinhua News
Agency reported.

Animals dead from unclear reasons and tested hazardous should be disposed
through physical, chemical and biological methods, such as cremation and burial,
to completely clear their pathogens, according to the Bio-safety Specifications
on Sick Animal and Animal Product Disposal. Dead animals must be burned before
being buried in a pit covered by 2-centimeter-quicklime at the depth of 1.5
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MOSCOW, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin has been
informed of the ongoing wave of bomb threat phone calls that plagued across the
country, which can only be perceived as "telephone terrorism," the Kremlin said

"Undoubtedly, it is telephone terrorism, telephone hooliganism," Kremlin
spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying by RIA-Novosti.

"The relevant authorities are taking all the necessary measures in order to
identify those responsible for this series of calls. We are waiting for the
results of this work nike air max 2018 scontate ,"
he added.

A wave of anonymous calls about planted bombs in various administrative and
commercial buildings continue in Russia for the fifth day in a row, although the
number is declining.

Tass news agency reported that 48 threats were received in four Russian
cities on Thursday.

So far, over 130,000 people have been evacuated throughout Russia from more
than 420 facilities, according to RIA-Novosti. All calls proved to be hoaxes.

Earlier on Thursday, a law enforcement source told Sputnik news agency that
the anonymous calls were initiated by persons abroad who were linked with the
Islamic States terrorist group, according to data obtained as a result of a
series of search and investigation.

Tass quoted a separate source in the law enforcement as saying that it is
established that the series of bomb threat calls was "a well-orchestrated
campaign" organized by a certain group of people or even one person Uomo
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, and that checks are being made
if some extremists groups were involved.

China, Brunei to boost ties

Surges brought by Typhoon Talim seen in E China

China Focus: World's oldest panda dies aged 37

Singaporean divers find two bodies of missing crew in dredger accident

Bird's-eye view of Zibo City in east China

Fire drill held in S China's Guangxi

China, Pakistan air forces hold joint training exercises

Pic story: Chinese grape and wine expert

SHENYANG, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- It has been eight years since Yue Dejian went to
see a movie in the cinema.

The 68-year-old Beijing resident says he stopped going because he couldn't
relate to what was being portrayed.

"I remember watching the American film 'On the Golden Pond' more than 30
years ago, which impressed me with the topic of generation gap," he says.

"But these days it is so hard to find similar quality films dealing with old
age issues in Chinese cinemas."

In China, movies featuring themes of love Acquistare
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, youth and fantasy are luring young
audiences, but motion pictures depicting the stories of the aged are under a
market spell.

In 2013, the domestic film "Full Circle", featuring famous Chinese actress
Siqin Gaowa, was chosen as the opening film of the Chinese Film Festival in
Belgium. The project, which depicts the journey for happiness among a group of
elderly from a nursing home, went on to pick up an award at the 20th Beijing
Student Film Festival. But it was a commercial disappointment in
China Uomo
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, reaching a mere 3.5 million yuan
(559,600 U.S. dollars) at the box office.

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