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Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2020, 07:29

Von ylq

nd his family is

In this flashy society, many people will chase the material enjoyment that flows on the surface Newport Cigarettes Coupons, and fewer and fewer people will pay attention to the real classical culture. Recently, we learned some works of Tao Yuanming in the Chinese class, and the teacher arranged an assignment to query historical data related to him. I see that there are not many comments on him on the Internet, but it comes down to the following points: Tao Yuanming should not give up his career and return to the hidden pastoral. He has always been too hesitant, has been swaying between official and farming for more than ten years, and his family is extremely embarrassed and poor. The introduction to him on the Internet is not exhaustive, but it makes me even more curious: why did he abandon his job and go back to Hidden Garden? What about his rural life? With deep curiosity, I started to inquire further and got some information: Tao Yuanming, No. Wu Liu, is the first pastoral poet in China. When his father died when he was eight years old, he was living in poverty since he was a teenager. After many efforts, his family did not improve, and he was especially poor when he was twenty. He ��has studied Confucian classics since childhood, loves idleness, thinks of good deeds Newport Cigarettes, holds loneliness, loves Qiushan, has ambitions, and different customs.�� After he was twenty years old, he began his hobby career. But the officialdom was not suitable for him, he resigned, and lived at home Cigarettes For Sale. Most of his poems express his longing for returning home and his nostalgia for garden life. After his mother's death, he once again became an official with the notion of "forty odors and little fear". At this time, his mood was contradictory. He wanted to show his grandeur for the official, but still missed the pastoral. At that time, the political corruption of the Jin Dynasty, Tao Yuanming had some hope of being an official, but due to family reasons, he could not be promoted to the official position, only a small sesame officer. By the age of thirty-nine, he was tired of the bureaucratic system of the officialdom and the mutual bribery among officials. He did not want to succumb to the tail like others. In fact, when he finally decided to live in seclusion for a lifetime, his mood was complicated and contradictory: on the one hand, he was far away from the center of feudal rule, and he was very happy; . It is precisely because he is a person who "does not bend down for Wu Dou Mi" that he has achieved such an idyllic poet who advocates freedom. Tao Yuanming is a true hermit. He only chose to truly hide after seeing the turbidity and darkness in the world. "Return to Come" is the beginning of retreat. "Plucking chrysanthemums under the hedge and seeing Nanshan leisurely" is the embodiment of his quiet and indifferent state of mind. At this time, he has entered a mature period of thought, leading the life of ordinary farmers until the end of his life. He is like a simple chrysanthemum, blooming brilliantly in the wind, exuding a unique fragrance with the wind. Exploring the spiritual world of historical celebrities in the "old paper pile" was unexpectedly so interesting. Satisfying curiosity also brought me a lot of gains.
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