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Every sport has its rules of etiquette. In golf Romain
Habran Jersey
, for example, one does not talk or move while a
player is shooting. In basketball, the crowd is silent when a free throw is
made. Even in such a rugged sport as boxing, a man who has scored a knockdown
retires to the farthest neutral corner to allow his opponent a chance to get up
after a count. So it is in bowling. What it really boils down to is courtesy,
once you have an inkling of the rules. Here are some points to

1. Observe the foul line at all times.

This goes for
practice as well as for tournament or league play. You owe it to your teammates
and to those around you to refrain from any such action as fouling, which would
penalize your score and consequently that of your team. Fouling frequently
brings on loud and unpleasant grumbling, in itself another breach of

2. Never two-ball a pinboy.

By this, I mean don't fire
another ball down the lane before the first one has been returned to you. You
might injure the pinboy, and you are sure to make yourself mighty unpopular with
those around you, even if you don't hurt him. Remember, if the pinboy should be
injured, you might find yourself liable for damages.

3. Don't mar bowling
alley approaches.

If you have any slippery or gummy substance on your
bowling shoes (one should never bowl in street shoes) Roli
Pereira de Sa Jersey
, get rid of it before you step onto the
approaches. If your shoes leave skid marks, remove the marks with steel wool.
Avoid excessive use of chalk. Do not mar the alley approach or the alley bed
with pencil, crayon, chalk or any such substance.

4. Remain on the bench
until it is your turn to bowl.

If you get up before your time you will
interfere directly or indirectly with those who are already on the approaches.
Give others the same common courtesy you would want for yourself.

There is no rule against body english.

Lots of bowlers, even the experts,
are prone to use it at times. But when you use it, remember that you have the
right to use only the space enclosed by the width of your own lane. You are not
expected to teeter or lean so far that your body encroaches onto the next alley
and bothers the adjoining bowler. Try to cut down on your "body english" in
practice and you will use less of it in league and tournament play.

Give the bowler on your right preference at all times.

Because you swing
your ball at your right side, you have to be more careful of the man on your
right than the one on your left. Let him shoot before you do, if you are both
beginning at the very same time.

7. Eliminate dilly-dallying between

Don't fall into the habit of going through a dozen meaningless
motions, such as scraping your feet back and forth, wiping your hands on your
clothing three or four successive times, moving your ball back and forth or up
and down without moving your feet Remy
Descamps Jersey
, or any such actions which not only delay the game
but serve to make you more tense than before. Get into your starting stance,
sight at the target and roll the ball.

8. Don't distract or bother other

Before going to the rack for your ball, make sure that you will
not interfere with other players. After you have selected the ball, be careful
not to back into anyone's path. These are important safety rules as well as good
bowling manners.

9. Be ready to bowl when it is your turn.

carry on long conversations with outsiders or engage in activities not directly
concerned with your bowling. You owe it to your teammates and your opponents
alike to keep your mind on the game at all times.

10. Confine your
remarks to those on the bench.

Do not talk to or attempt to gain the
attention of a bowler already on the approaches.

11. Control your temper
- Be a good loser.

By that I don't mean that you should give up easily,
for everyone likes a real competitor. But once beaten, take your defeat

12. Don't give advice unless asked for it.

In short,
simply do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Author's Resource Box

FREE tips and information on Bowling -- Get the help you need to be a better
bowler. Its FREE! Click here: www.BeaBetterBowler

Article Source:

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