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Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2018, 07:49

Von kaixin123

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In the simplest of words it is basically the creation of an
environment where women can make independent decisions on their personal
development as well as shine as equals in society.
Women want to be treated
as equals so much so that if a woman rises to the top of her field it should be
a commonplace occurrence that draws nothing more than a raised eyebrow at the
gender. This can only happen if there is a channelized route for the empowerment
of women.
Thus it is no real surprise that women empowerment in India is a
hotly discussed topic with no real solution looming in the horizon except to
doubly redouble our efforts and continue to target the sources of all the
violence and ill-will towards women.

There are several
challenges that are currently plaguing the issues of women’s rights in India.
Some of them like lack of
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poverty in the country, lack of health and safety measures, few of these
challenges are presented below. While a lot of these are redundant and quite
basic issues faced across the country, these are contributory causes to the
overarching status of women in India. Targeting these issues will directly
benefit the empowerment of women in India.

The United Nations Development
Programme constituted eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for ensuring
equity and peace across the world. The third MDG is directly related to the
empowerment of women in India. The MDGs are agreed-upon goals to reduce certain
indicators of disparity across the world by the year 2015.

The Ministry for Women & Child Development
was established as a department of the Ministry of Human Resource Development in
the year 1985 to drive the holistic development of women and children in the
country. In 2006 this department was given the status of a Ministry, with the
powers to:-
Formulate plans, policies and programmes; enacts amends
legislation, guiding and coordinating the efforts of both governmental and
non-governmental organisations working in the field of Women and Child
It delivers such initiatives such as the Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) which is a package of services such as supplementary
nutrition, health check-ups and immunisation. As mentioned earlier, the
empowerment of women begins with their safety and health and this Ministry is
committed to providing them.

Additionally ,
the Ministry is also implementing the Swayamsidha programme – an integrated
scheme for the empowerment of women at a total cost of Rs. 116.30 Crores. Core
to this programme will be the establishment of women’s self-help groups which
will empower women to have increased access to all kinds of resources that they
are denied, in addition to increasing their awareness and skills. This programme
will benefit about 9,30,000 women with the setting up of 53,000 self-help
groups, 26,500 village societies and 650 block societies.

Commission for Women

The National Commission for Women is a Department
within the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It was set up exclusively to
help women via the Constitution – by reviewing Legal and Constitutional
safeguards for women, recommending remedial legislative measures, by
facilitating quick redressal of grievances and by advising the Government of
India on all policy matters affecting women.
The website allows for online
submission of complaints and fast redressal exclusively for women. Additionally
it is also a good resource of information for women and the Commission is
committed to helping out women in need.

Opinion by Mrs.Harsha B. Popat:
India as a country is still recovering from years of abuse in the time of the
Raj and more years of economic suffering at the hands of the License Raj. It is
only now that
globalisation ,
liberalisation and other socio-economic forces have given some respite to a
large proportion of the population. However, there are still quite a few areas
where women empowerment in India is largely lacking.
To truly understand what
women empowerment is, there needs to be a sea-change in the mind-set of the
people in the country. Not just the women themselves, but the men have to wake
up to a world that is moving towards equality and equity. It is better that this
is embraced earlier rather than later, for our own good.
Swami Vivekananda
once said “arise away and stop not until the goal is reached”. Thus our country
should thus be catapulted into the horizon of empowerment of women and revel in
its glory.
We have a long way to go, but we will get there someday. We shall

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