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Dienstag, 28. April 2020, 09:17

Von ylq

n and vitality. , Become

In autumn, there is no recovery of all things in spring, and there is no fight for beauty; nor is there the scorching sun of summer, and the scorching summer is hard to bear; She is a season that connects the heat and cold. People have not paid attention to her deliberately, nor have she asked for anything from nature, just devoted everything to herself and performed a colorful autumn praise! The pictures of mountains and autumn in autumn belong to the mountains. Autumn provides a stage for the display of nature's things. They have experienced the torment of summer and quietly waited for the arrival of this colorful season. This is the second largest exhibition hall after spring. You see, the maple tree puts on a red shirt, and the whole mountain is red as fire, full of passion and vitality. , Become charming and enchanting, but a little sad, a piece of petals is like the condensation of crystal tears, making people recall the past. The pine tree is unique on this stage, ingenious, still in a new green, as if it is too lazy to change clothes. And the grass on the hillside has turned yellow, as if putting a golden coat on the mountain Online Cigarettes, everything and everything is so beautiful! I naturally want to enjoy this beautiful picture. Walking through the mountains, my eyes were stained with orange, the autumn wind came, and I felt extremely relaxed and happy. The fallen leaves around me surrounded me like whispering to me, as if I were blending in this autumn picture of the mountain, in the eyes of red, yellow and green. A good harvest hymn belongs to farmers. After the cold winter and the midsummer, and after hard work, the farmers who stooped all the time and dedicated themselves to the land finally ushered in the gifts of nature. Autumn, the messenger, let the seeds grow in the soil Marlboro Cigarettes, and this season paid off. The red apple cracked open and smiled for a long time; the fragrance of Yali pear could not wait to bite. The rice was filled with silos, the wheat turned into golden beads, and Sorghum donated his precious rubies to the hard-working farmers. The slightly idle farmers also happily wandered through the mountains and forests. The rustling leaves seemed to congratulate this festive day and sing a harvest song! I also seemed to see the place that shimmered in the field under the moonlight Newport 100S, it was the sweat of hard work and the tears of joy of harvest! The olfactory feast is the fragrance. Autumn is full of fruit, full of poetry, and makes people deeply attached. I am intoxicated in the environment of dangui fragrance; gently approaching the chrysanthemum, smelling the intoxicating fragrance; and can smell it far away Osmanthus fragrance. There are also many elegant, many beautiful, unknown flower fragrances, immersed in it, enjoy the feast of smell again and again, adds a bit of fragrance to the autumn air, I seem to see people living under the blue sky, they are Singing for the arrival of this autumn day, and rejoicing Tagore said, "Make life as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death as quiet as autumn leaves." I naturally cannot understand the philosophy of a generation of great men, but in the autumn, I am deeply intoxicated , Enjoy deeply, sing deeply, let the thought go far
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