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Dienstag, 28. April 2020, 09:16

Von ylq

or skin care and beaut

A handful of sand was thrown on the beach, and similar types of similar shapes and colors on the left and right were everywhere. But it is a piece of sand Newport 100S, which cannot emit light and heat, has no technological content, and cannot create much economic value. Why not find it? A bright and shining pearl can agitate the visual function of the eye to the greatest extent, and suddenly jump into the line of sight to find it. Pearls have both medicinal value for skin care and beauty, as well as precious decorations. There is no reason to abandon the beach and be left out, it is necessary to find it. Is it sand or pearls? There is no doubt that anyone will choose the latter. For the time being, setting sand and pearls that are not intrinsically connected as the starting point and ending point of career success is now a leap from quantitative accumulation to qualitative, that is, the transformation of sand into pearls to achieve career success requires a long and arduous process. The harvest will have to go through the spring and autumn harvest; the title of the gold list needs ten years of cold windows; the writer Mo Yan has published his first novel and won the Nobel Prize for Literature in the temple of literature for 30 years; the mathematician Chen Jingrun, in order to crack Goldbach Guess to win the jewel in the crown of mathematics and spend his whole life. Success cannot be achieved overnight. Young people who are eager to make pearls will be counterproductive. If they want to succeed in the business, they must first make sand. To make sand, you must respect objective reality and admit that you are small. The countless grains of sand on the vast beach can't tell the vertical and horizontal latitude and longitude, there is no organized group, and let the sea water wash passively spread on the shore. A grain of sand in such an environment is too small to be small, of course it is not important. Recognizing your own shortcomings, you can balance your mentality and cultivate yourself for the future. A grain of sand on the beach, there is no possibility to look at distant green trees, the splendid flowers in the garden to make sand for it need to endure loneliness. It is also out of reach, even the easy-going grass rarely visits the beach. There is only bitter and astringent sea water, and it accompanies it day by day. Who cares about a grain of sand? Faced with the cry of the sky, I could not hear an echo; I tried my best to wave my hand to the sea, and I couldn't recruit the ship for it to carry. Poor sand, without warmth and caress. Standing on the reef at the seaside with no trees to build on, sneered: "A small grain of sand!" Enduring loneliness and enduring loneliness is an essential discipline for success. Make sand willing to be trampled by others. A lonely beach, an unknown grain of sand lacks the qualification to stand on its own Newport Cigarettes. Not only should they stay on the beach, but they must also be trampled willingly. There is no excuse to complain, even if the person who came to see the sea stepped into a foot den and was buried in the mud forever to see the blue sky forever. The rising and falling tides are swept into the ocean by the turbulent seawater, and they end up unsettled with the waves. Such a tragic ending also has to grind your teeth to make a grain of sand, admit that you are small, and endure loneliness and loneliness. Instead, step by step, step by step in the direction of success. Go forward at all times and shorten the distance between the sand and the pearl every day, so success will not disappoint the caring person. After a long and arduous journey, the sand transformed into pearls, successfully hung at the end point of the hot spot Newport Cigarettes Coupons. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
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