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Samstag, 18. Januar 2020, 05:23

Von bears123

violence Cheap Dougie Hamilton Jersey

This is a question that thousands of parents face every day. There are many
solutions to this problem; some have proven to be successful Cheap
Teuvo Teravainen Jersey
, and others have not. As a Christian
writer and mother of three children, I will share one option that really works;
(it worked in our home) therefore it is not a theory, it is a proven solution to
the problem of rebellion. I had to learn these lessons the hard way, but
thankfully I learned them in time to take care of the rebellion problem while my
children were young.

When and where does rebellion start?

Rebellion in the home starts slowly but gains momentum as it continues. Like
a snowball, it first starts with a handful of snow; but as it rolls down the
hill, that innocent little ball of snow gets bigger and bigger. You may be
looking at a child that is rebellious and you are wondering how this happened
when just yesterday shehe seemed to be so good. It wasn't just since yesterday;
rebellion takes place over time. The rebellious actions and attitudes may not
have been referred to as rebellion until they got out of hand and so big
everyone is affected.

With your child Cheap Jaccob
Slavin Jersey
, think for a minute? when did the rebellion start? I
will use the Cute Puppy story to help you pinpoint when it may have started.

The Cute Puppy

Place yourself as the mom in this story: Once upon a time there was a stray
puppy that came to your door, and because he was so cute you fed him. The next
day this cute puppy, with sad eyes, comes to the door and this time you let your
children feed him. The third day the cute puppy doesn't look so sad anymore - he
is now wagging his tail because he knows he has found a friend. The fourth day
you feed the cute puppy and let him inside for a nap.

One small thing had been overlooked - the family rule of ?no pets in the
house.? Your husband had requested that the family set this rule after a new
sofa had to be bought because the old one had been soiled by the family dog. The
dog had since died, but the rule had been forgotten. The fifth day the cute
puppy comes to the door wagging his tail and this time you let him come in to
eat, take a nap Cheap Victor
Rask Jersey
, and play awhile. After all he is so cute and the kids
are having so much fun? what could be wrong with having him in for a little
while? After an hour or so you say, ?We need to take the puppy outside before
your father comes home.? ?Oh Mom,? the kids cry, 'let him stay in just a little
longer; he is so cute and we are having so much fun.? You agree to allow him to
stay just a little longer by saying, ?only if you will not let him up on the
couch, you remember how your father feels about that.? ?Ok Cheap Calvin
De Haan Jersey
, we won't? the kids say.

But no matter how cute a puppy is, it is a puppy, and a puppy will do what
puppies do. As the games continue, the puppy jumps up on the couch to get a
ball. ?Mom, come look at how he jumps to get the ball.? The kids cry, ?He is the
cutest puppy.? But before anyone could stop it Cheap Greg
McKegg Jersey
, you guessed right, he lifts up his cute little leg
and? oh no, what do we do? Dad was due home any minute and the sofa was wet, and
the living room smelled like a dog.

You have a great idea, ?Ok kids, we will go out for dinner and call someone
to come over and clean the sofa while we are gone.? This seemed to be a good way
to deal with the problem. Dad doesn't get mad Cheap Scott
Darling Jersey
, you are off the hook, the kids are happy, and the
cute puppy still has a home.

What really happened that day?

A seed of rebellion was planted.

The kids were taught that it is ok to break a family rule.
They learn to
disrespect Dad, and that his requests really do not matter.
They learned if
something feels good and it is fun, just do it.
They learned to find a way
out of trouble.
They learned to cover things up, what Dad doesn't know won't
hurt him.

Another example of how rebellion gets started:

Rebellion is like a tiny seed Cheap Brock
McGinn Jersey
, it is planted in tender soil and then it begins to
grow. You may not notice that the seed is growing until it pops up one day out
of the ground. You may not take time to do anything about the little weed, or
the little lie your son told you about where he went after school. But just like
the little weed in the flower garden, if it is not pulled up it keeps growing.
As the weeks and months go by, the little lie and the little weed are both
growing and no one is noticing. You may look out the window one day and see that
the weed has become a tree and the son is not coming home at all. How did it
happen? Just yesterday everything was fine. No, it takes time for a weed to grow
into a tree and it takes time for rebellion to grow in a child. When rebellion
has not been dealt with in the early stages, the results are very predictable.
Proverbs 29:15 says Cheap
Sebastian Aho Jersey
, ?A child left to himself will bring his
mother and father much shame.?

Your child is like a garden and what is planted will come up or come out.
Start today weeding the flower garden. Observe what is coming out of your
child's mouth. Is it weeds or beautiful flowers? I would consider a child's
mocking and disrespectful words as weeds. When these weeds first come up, pull
the weed up by simply saying, ?That is unacceptable.? Apply Proverbs 29:17 and
correct them. When correction is given correctly, out of love, God assures you
in Proverbs 23:13-14, that you will spare your child from future destruction.
Then do your homework; find out how the seed was planted in the first place and
eliminate the source of the problem. As a parent you have the authority given by

Bad seeds come from various sources:

TV programs and movies today are full of violence Cheap
Dougie Hamilton Jersey
, sex, and deception. The friends that your
children are hanging out with are a very strong influence and need to be
carefully monitored. And just as in the Cute Puppy story, the way parents cover
up things can plant a seed of rebellion also.

If you have a rebellious child, take action today! For complete article on

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