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Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019, 09:58

Von bears123

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Ceremonial Magic Some Secret sources of Energy
Posted by nick_niesen on October 26th Drew
Brees Youth Jersey
, 2010

Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our
thoughts. A great amount of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to
make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a 'k') is one
of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and
application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a
system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the
self and the environment according to the will.
Most of the magick we see
today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and
Tibetans developed their own unique types of magick.
Western magick was
locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by
the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that the alchemists
and Cabalists rediscovered magical knowledge. Only during the past hundred years
or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread
investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has
science shown much interest in it al all.

Parapsychology and Psychic Phenomena

parapsychology Chauncey
Gardner-Johnson Womens Jersey
, we are gaining insights into the
hidden nature of man. Parapsychology is a branch of psychology, which studies
psychic phenomena. It remains something of a frontier, even today. Perhaps one
reason for this is that psychic phenomena are somewhat inconsistent.
Nevertheless, there is strong evidence from numerous cases and experiments in
support of psychic phenomena. Somehow, under the right conditions, the mind can
directly affect the environment.

We may theorize that the human mind and
body broadcasts a kind of psychic energy or force Erik
McCoy Womens Jersey
, much like a radio station. Kirlian
photography, temperature effects, cloud chamber tests, and other experiments
tend to support this theory. Although the exact nature of this psychic force is
subtle and unknown, it is undoubtedly the energy behind all psychic phenomena
and magick. However, it is not a radio wave Alvin
Kamara Womens Jersey
, since it behaves somewhat differently. The
psychic force is too weak to be measured directly (at least so far as we know).
Everyone has some psychic ability. There are numerous types of psychic
phenomena. Parapsychology separates them into two groups: ESP and PK.

What is ESP?
ESP, the abbreviation for extra sensory perception, means
the reception of information through paranormal means (ie. not regular physical
senses of sight, sound, touch, smell Marshon
Lattimore Womens Jersey
, or taste). In theory, this is
accomplished by receiving psychic force from outside the body. Here are some
examples of ESP:
Clairvoyance, or Remote Viewing -- the ability to sense or
'see' (non-physically) distant objects, places, and people. Individuals who see
ghosts and spirits are probably clairvoyant.
Clairaudience, or remote
hearing -- the 'hearing' of paranormal information.
Astral Projection (OOBE)
or Travelling Clairvoyance -- Full experience at a remote location while the
physical body sleeps.
Psychometry -- the reading of information by the touch
of physical objects.
Telepathic receiver -- the ability to directly receive
thought (communication) at a distance Tre'Quan
Smith Womens Jersey
, with no physical connection to the sender.
There are many everyday examples of this, in which we think something just as
another person is about to say it. This is an easy one to test for through
experiment. Very dramatic cases of telepathy have been recorded; there is often
an emotional element in such cases.
A 'channel' or medium, as in a science
who is in direct communication with a 'spirit' or entity.
Experience with a
Ouija board, pendulum, or automatic writing.
Precognition -- to foresee the
future. Again, highly emotional events are the ones most likely to be 'tuned
Retrocognition -- knowledge of the past Marcus
Davenport Womens Jersey
, by paranormal means.

What is PK?
PK, the abbreviation for psychokinesis, is the active or
sending side of psychic phenomena. The theory here is that psychic force is sent
out from the individual. Examples of PK include:
Telepathic sender -- the
transmitter in the telepathy just discussed.
Psychokinesis (or telekinesis)
proper -- the ability to move objects by means of psychic force.
along the same lines are poltergeist (noisy ghost) phenomena in which objects
move of their own accord or noises are heard. There is always a human agent
involved -- frequently a teenage girl -- who appears to be the source of psychic
Psychic healing -- the ability to heal various illnesses and
infirmities. There are many documented cases of this. Usually it involves a
healer and a subject, although there are recent cases involving cancer patients
learning to heal themselves.
Teleportation, asportation, and levitation.

Some occultists feel a magician producing PK effects is simply a channel for
universal energy. Others think the force originates some way directly within the
The Subconscious

Postulated by Freud and others Michael
Thomas Womens Jersey
, the concept of the subconscious mind is an
important one. Basically, this is the idea that part of the mind normally
operates below or outside of ordinary consciousness and awareness. Dreams and
hypnosis are examples of this. Also subconscious are the many automatic
functions of the physical body such as respiration and digestion

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