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Montag, 24. Juni 2019, 10:34

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PARIS Brian Allen
, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- As France is still grappling with the
pains that came with the horrendous attacks earlier this month, Muslims living
in the country find themselves increasingly misunderstood amid an outpouring
sentiment for free speech.

The bloody rampage, started with a storm-in attack on satirical magazine
Charlie Hebdo, resulted in 17 deaths in one of France's worst tragedies in

The popular thought that Charlie Hebdo was attacked because of what it said
(ie, its controversial depiction of the Prophet Muhammad) has prompted an uproar
in defense of the freedom of expression Joseph Noteboom
, thus came the catchcry "We are Charlie."

"I'm not Charlie. But I'm against violence and killing," said a 41-year-old
Muslim worker in a private company, who asked not to mention his name at a time
when the Muslim community in France feels more difficult to integrate into the
mainstream society.

"Islam calls for tolerance and peace. It showed us how to be a good citizen
and how to respect the others even if they don't share the same opinion, or the
same religion," he said.

"We are free to do what we want Eric Dickerson
, at where we want, and at when we want. But, don't forget
that this freedom is limited to respecting the freedom of the others. So I call
on cartoonists, artists, or politicians not to sneer at the faiths and thoughts
of minorities in the name of freedom of expression and democracy Rob Havenstein
," he added.

According to a recent poll by the French Institute of Public Opinion, people
in the country appear to be divided on limits of free speech in the aftermath of
the Paris attacks.

Half of the 1,003 respondents are in favor of "limiting freedom of expression
on the Internet and social media", against 49 percent who are not in favor and 1
percent undecided, the results of the poll published on the Sunday edition of
newspaper Le Figaro showed.

The poll also finds that a slight majority believes that the publication of
cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad "should continue" despite that they may make
anger or hurt the feelings of some Muslims.

About 42 percent respondents think it is necessary to avoid such

One week after the fatal attack Tyler Higbee
, Charlie Hebdo released its new cover showing the cartoon
figure of the Prophet Muhammad weeping and holding a sign "I am Charlie", under
the headline "All is forgiven". A total of 7 million copies are expected to be
sold out worldwide.

In days following the Paris attacks, several newspapers outside France, in a
show of support to Charlie Hebdo, also re-published the controversial cartoon by
the French magazine that is widely believed to have prompted the Jan. 7

"I'm in favor of humor. It criticizes problems that darkens our daily life in
a funny way. But it should not insult or be used as a way to send hatred and
contemptuous messages Jared Goff
," a 27-year-old French man told Xinhua when asked to
comment on recent debate about the limits of free speech.

For him, the re-printing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad under such
circumstances of "high tension" under the motto freedom of expression, will
further hurt Muslims' feelings in a country long-claimed itself as a pioneer of
democracy and human rights.

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