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Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018, 08:53

Von xiaolan

spirit of England’s winged wonders

We’re on our way, we’re on our way. We’re going to Moscow. Or at least, that’s what they say – over and over in the England end through five games, to date, of 2018. It turns out the fans were right all along, too. England will now head to the capital on Wednesday to play at least once at the agreeably huge Luzhniki Stadium, the ohmic heart New York Islanders Womens Jersey of this continental‑scale tournament. Whatever happens from here some things have already changed. As the players prepare for another brain-mangling night of knockout football, and as the fans prepare simultaneously for another brain‑mangling night of jumping through bus-stop roofs, throwing pints of lager in the air and making social media clips of Adolf Hitler saying “it’s coming home”, it is clear this World Cup has brought something beyond the usual extremes of triumphalism and despair. Above all, it has been a surprisingly funny World Cup. Ever get the feeling everyone just really needed a good laugh? The world has felt like a slightly seasick place in the past few years, undercut by division and uncertainty. Against this the World Cup has felt like pure escapism, a reminder in its colours and its heat that the sun also rises. Among the many running gags and memes on social media the Harry Maguire one is perhaps the most telling. You’ve probably seen it by now: a photo of Maguire with one arm draped across the Adam Henrique Womens Jersey pitch-side railings in…-1087_1188.html cool-relaxed-guy-mode, exchanging small talk with a woman in the crowd wearing an amusingly flushed and adoring expression. Maguire Talks To Woman continued to do the rounds after England’s impressive 2-0 defeat of Sweden on Saturday afternoon, with funny captions added by everyone from Kyle Walker to career internet japesters to some guy in his bedroom. It is not hard to see why. The picture captures the basic likability of this group of players, a sense of a renewed connection that comes from various things, most obviously from having better channels of communication and a manager who actively fosters this environment. Plus, of course, there is the fact so many of the players have taken a slightly meandering path to this stage, have taken a few steps back to go forward. This combination was perhaps embodied best of all in Samara by Kieran Trippier, who gave a bravura performance on the right flank, emphasising in the process how vital England’s wing-backs have been to their progress so far. Look to the wings: this has been an unexpected point of strength. Both goals against Sweden came from crosses. The first was another excellent set-piece delivery from Ashley Young, a corner headed in by Maguire, who moved well and met the ball with a lovely thunk right out of the meat of his forehead. Trippier helped P.K Subban Womens Jersey make England’s second from the other side, feeding the ball back to Jesse Lingard whose deep cross found Dele Alli unmarked right in front of goal. Beyond that Trippier was excellent all game, stretching Sweden to the touchline, passing the ball crisply http://www.officialfootballcardinalsstor…ley-Jersey.html and executing perfectly the role Southgate has sketched out for the only two genuine wide players in his formation. Trippier crossed the ball 10 times against Sweden, a significantly large number but not a surprising one. To date the top three names when it comes to passes into the box at Russia 2018 read: Neymar, Isco, Trippier. Only Neymar and Kevin De Bruyne have created more chances overall. cheap jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap nfl jerseys cheap jerseys china wholesale jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys