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Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2020, 07:30

d asked Minko

When Einstein studied at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland in 1899, his tutor was the mathematician Minkowski. Because Einsteinken used his brain and thought, he was appreciated by Minkowski. The mentor and the disciple often discuss science, philosophy and life together. On one occasion, Einstein had a whimsy and asked Minkowski: "How can a person, such as me, leave his own shining footprint and make outstanding contributions in the field of science and life What about it? "Minkowski, who had always been agile, was asked. It was not until three days later that he rushed to Einstein and said very excitedly," I finally got the answer to the question you asked that day! " "What's the answer?" Einstein couldn't wait to hug the teacher's arm. "Tell me! Minkowski used his hands and feet to draw for a while Marlboro Cigarettes, and he couldn't understand it, so he pulled Einstein up Walked around the construction site and stepped straight on the concrete floor that the construction worker had just paved. Amidst the construction workers' blame, Einstein was confused and asked Minkowski very puzzled, "Teacher, didn't you lead me astray? Are you here yet? Only such a ��stray way�� can leave footprints! "Then he explained again:" Only new areas, and only those that have not been solidified, can leave deep footprints. " The old ground that has been solidified for a long time, the places where many people and countless steps have stepped on, don't want to step on the footprints ... "Hearing this, Einstein thought for a long time and thanked Minkowski very gratefully:" Teacher, I understand what you mean! "Since then, a very strong sense of innovation and pioneering has begun to dominate Einstein's thinking and actions. He once said this:" I never remember and think about the things in the dictionary and the manual. My brain only uses Come remember and think about things that haven't been loaded into books. "So, just after Einstein walked out of the campus, in the first few years of his involvement in the world, he used his spare time to conduct scientific research as an unknown staff member in the Berne Patent Office. He decisively challenged and broke through Newtonian mechanics. When he was just 26 years old, he proposed and established the special theory of relativity, inaugurated a new era of physics, made outstanding contributions to mankind, and left a deep record in the history of science. The flashing footprint of that period Wholesale Cigarettes. That section of uncured cement pavement inspired Einstein ��s spirit of innovation and exploration Carton Of Cigarettes. In fact, in all areas of human society and real life, there are all kinds of ��uncured cement pavement�� , Waiting for people to step on new footprints and embark on a new journey
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